elliott cresson medaille

elliott cresson medaille

Українська: Медаль Елліота Крессона. Українська: Медаль Елліота Крессона.
The Elliott Cresson Medal, also known as the Elliott Cresson Gold Medal, was the highest award given by the Franklin Institute.The award was established by Elliott Cresson, life member of the Franklin Institute, with $1,000 granted in 1848. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.Copyright © 1975 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Représentant de la septième génération des Cresson ayant immigré en Nouvelle-Angleterre [1], il était le fils aîné de John Elliott Cresson (†1814) et de Mary Warder-Cresson.Il vécut jusqu'à sa mort avec sa mère dans la maison familiale du n°730 Sansom Street [1]. This medal is awarded for discovery or original research adding to the sum of human knowledge, irrespective of commercial value; leading and practical utilizations of discovery; and invention, methods and products embodying substantial elements of leadership in their respective classes, or unsual skill or perfection in their workmanship.We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Português: Medalha Elliott Cresson concedida em 1913 a Emile Berliner English: Scan of 1913 Elliott Cresson Medal given to Emile Berliner in 1913, from the Library of Congress. Biographie Jeunesse. 1974 Awards by The Franklin Institute Presented October 16, 1974 The Elliott Cresson Medal (Founded in 1848) This Medal is awarded for discovery or original research, adding to the sum of human knowledge, irrespective of commercial value; leading and practical utilizations of discovery; and invention, methods or products embodying substantial elements of leadership in their respective … Sprachen. Bahasa Indonesia; català; English «Nel 1914, gli fu assegnato il primo premio dell'Aero Club della Francia per il suo stabilizzatore aereo; fu anche premiato con due medaglie Franklin Institute nel 1914 e il 1929; medaglia Collier 1915, 1916; Medaglia Holley 1927; medaglia John Fritz 1927; Albert Medal Gary 1929; due decorazioni dall'ultimo Zar di Russia; due decorazioni dell'Imperatore del Giappone, l'Ordine del Sol Levante e l'Ordine del Sacro Tesoro; e il premio di Panama Exposition.» Zurück zur Seite Elliott-Cresson-Medaille. given to Emile Berliner in 1913 Presented by Franklin Institute Country US The Franklin Institute bleef de toekenning van de medaille op incidentele basis tot 1998 toen zij hun begiftigd awards onder één paraplu, gereorganiseerd The Benjamin Franklin Awards. Elliott-Cresson-Medaille ist verfügbar in 12 weiteren Sprachen. Cresson est né à Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie le 2 mars 1796.

Il Franklin Institute continuò ad assegnare la medaglia fino al 1998, quando riorganizzò l'assegnazione dei riconoscimenti sotto il, The Franklin Institute. By continuing you agree to the Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Donors of the Medals and their histories. La Elliott Cresson Medal, nota anche come Elliott Cresson Gold Medal, è stato il più alto riconoscimento conferito dal Franklin Institute.Venne istituita da Elliott Cresson, membro a vita del Franklin Institute, con un premio di $ 1.000 nel 1848.
Português: Medalha Elliott Cresson concedida em 1913 a Emile Berliner English: Scan of 1913 Elliott Cresson Medal given to Emile Berliner in 1913, from the Library of Congress. De medaille werd voor het eerst uitgereikt in 1875, 21 jaar na de dood van Cresson.

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